Maybe you operate a small business or organization, perhaps you travel and take a lot of pictures or you just enjoy capturing eventful moments and need extra storage space. You start to ask yourself if you need to purchase memory cards and flash drives in bulk. However, you are not sure if it is useful to buy in bulk or buy them as you need.
My name is Tim from On The Clock, and I think it is time that we start discussing the benefits for wholesale purchasing when it comes to bulk memory cards and flash drives.
What you need to know when purchasing wholesale flash drives and memory cards
You never want to find yourself in a situation where you are completely out of space on your flash drives or memory cards. You cannot risk the chance of missing out on valuable events that could benefit your personal life, business, organization or that big vacation you recently booked.
Below you will find 5 useful tips and reasons for wholesale memory cards and flash drives:
- Save money. We all enjoy saving money while purchasing the things we love and need the most. Purchasing memory saving devices in bulk such as memory cards and flash drives will be extremely cost efficient and save you a lot of money. As a bonus, you can usually have the shipping costs waived with bulk purchasing.
- Backup your work for everyone in the office! You and your employees could be spending hours or days in the office working on very important projects. Imagine if your computers crashed and you had no way to recover your hard-work. Having flash drives in bulk on hand is a great way to constantly backup your work and everyone else in your company.
- Take important documents and pictures with you. Rather it be traveling or sitting on your back patio, you can rest assured by knowing you will be able to have whatever you need at your convenience during the time you need it.
- The ability to have memory saving devices dedicated for specific events and projects. With the advantage of having these devices in bulk, you will be able to assign certain photos, documents, videos and more to a USB flash drive and memory card. This means no more guessing what is saved on what.
- Load up on brands you love. Some of these great brands include SanDisk, Kingston and Lexar. Ordering bulk products that have a reputable name to back their quality is extremely important.
Bulk USB flash drives make life easier
Flash drives give you the convenience to transfer important data and a variety of stored files with ease. This useful tool also allows you to run portable programs as well. Think about it, this means you do not have to install them onto someone’s computer which could make the owner reluctant for you to use it if you had to make installments.
Another valuable element when using a USB stick is the ability to perform updates on numerous computers. For example, you run an office with 16 employees and each employee uses a computer. Every so often you will need to perform security, software and other updates that a flash drive could help with. And the best part about it is that you will be able to perform these important updates very quickly by simply plugging in the flash drive into the computer’s USB port.
Bulk memory cards allow experiences to stay with you forever
Cameras, phones, tablets and other picture and video taking devices only provide a certain amount of storage space. With the addition of a quality memory card, you will be able to improve your storage space significantly. You do not necessarily have to be a professional photographer or videographer to know how quickly gigabytes are consumed. You will be able to cherish your memories forever.
With memory cards being small, light in weight and durable, it allows you to take them with you when you are on the go. They are easily interchangeable and reliable so you will never have to miss anything. You can look at them as being your personal assistant. Instead of buying only one memory card at a time and risk losing all of your videos and pictures. Gain a peace of mind while saving money when buying in bulk.